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Embassy of SwedenTirana, Albania

Local time 10:00 AM

EU Fair in Tirana

15 May 2019

On 11 May 2019, the EU Fair, the biggest event of Europe Week, was an informative afternoon in the pedestrian area of Tirana filled with debate, discussion and exchange dedicated to Europe.

Out of the 31 stands, 12 were solely dedicated to youth issues, 16 represented the different EU member states, and the rest were occupied by different youth and civil society organisations.

EU Ambassador Luigi Soreca, Tirana Mayor Erion Veliaj, Swedish Ambassador Johan Ndisi as well as ambassadors of other EU members states visited the stands and participated in the debates. Visitors showed big interest in the Swedish stand and the displayed information about Sweden and what Sweden is doing in Albania. While learning more about Sweden, visitors could also get a taste of Sweden by trying our fresh cinnamon buns. 

Last updated 15 May 2019, 9.21 AM