Most people have to pay a fee when applying for a residence permit to move to a close relative in Sweden. The fee will not be refunded if your application is rejected.
Appliction fees for residence permits
These fees will be valid as of 09 September 2024.
Adults: 6660 TL Children under 18: 3330 TL
How to pay
If you are applying online, you pay with a credit card or a bank card on the web.
If you are applying on a paper form, you pay in cash or with a credit/bank card with your application.
The following persons can apply for a residence permit without having to pay a fee:
- Husbands, wives, registered partners or common-law spouses (cohabitees) and children under the age of 18 who are applying for a residence permit on the grounds of family ties to a foreign citizen who has received a residence permit as a refugee, as a person in need of protection or due to particularly distressing circumstances. Parents and siblings of children in need of protection and living in Sweden are not covered by the exemptions.
- Family members of EU/EEA citizens. (Please note that Swedes do not count as EU citizens in this context.)
- EU/EEA citizens
- Citizens of Switzerland and their family members
- Citizens of Japan