Sweden & Türkiye

Development Cooperation

Since 2001, the Consulate General has allocated funds to promote cooperation between Sweden and Türkiye. The support is governed by Sweden's results strategy for reform cooperation with the Western Balkans and Türkiye 2021–2027. The overarching goal of the strategy is EU approximation.

Expected results in Türkiye:

  • Contribute to strengthened respect for human rights, democracy, and the rule of law.
  • Contribute to strengthened conditions for a gender-equal society.
  • Safeguard an independent and pluralistic civil society, as well as freedom of expression and media.
  • Promote young people's democratic participation.
  • Contribute to synergies between trade and aid.
  • Address challenges related to migration and increase migrants' and refugees' enjoyment of rights.

The annual financial contribution for the strategy period is approximately SEK 42 million, which is channeled and managed through the Embassy in Ankara, and SEK 7 million, which is channeled through the Swedish Consulate General in Istanbul. The current cooperation aims to strengthen Türkiye's democratic structures and capacity to implement necessary reforms 1 for EU membership. The choice of sector is based on an analysis of Sweden's comparative advantages, Türkiye's strategies, and development plans regarding Türkiye's EU accession process.  

Each year, an annual call for project support is published on swedenabroad. Officially registered civil society organizations, foundations, associations, think tanks, trade unions, and universities are welcome to apply. Individuals and for-profit companies are not eligible to apply.

Sweden's results strategy for reform cooperation with the Western Balkans and Turkey 2021–2027

Details of Sweden's contributions to Turkey over the years can be found on Startsida | Openaid.