• English

Sweden & South Africa

Study in Sweden

The Embassy of Sweden in Pretoria handles applications for residents of South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Lesotho, Angola, Malawi and Sao Tomé and Principe

If you are planning to study in Sweden, the web site Studyinsweden.se is your one-stop information centre for higher education studies in Sweden.

It contains general information on the opportunities open to international students, admission procedures and other practical details.

The service is designed for students at all levels. It provides information on undergraduate courses, Master's programmes and opportunities for researchers.

Apply for a residence permit to Study in Sweden

If you will be studying in Sweden for more than three months and you are not an EU citizen, you need a residence permit.

Residence permit for studies in Sweden

If you will be studying for less than three months, you may need a visa instead.

List of foreign citizens who require Visa for entry into Sweden - Government.se

The quickest and easiest way of applying for a residence permit to study at universities and colleges in Sweden is to apply online.

Residence permit for studies in Sweden – Swedish Migration Agency

If you cannot or do not want to apply online or wish to study elsewhere than at university or college, you can submit a paper application with supporting documents at the embassy of Sweden in person instead.  The application will be forwarded to the Swedish Migration Agency for processing. 

Book an appointment by sending an email to ambassaden.pretoria-migration@gov.se