Sweden & Serbia

Emigrate to Sweden

If you are not a citizen of an EU/EEA country, you can move to Sweden only if you have been previously approved a residence permit.

You can get a residence permit in Sweden based on:

1. A job offer

Working in Sweden - Swedish Migration Agency (migrationsverket.se), Arbetsförmedlingen.se - Arbetsförmedlingen (arbetsformedlingen.se) Finding a job in Sweden - sweden.se

2. Family reunification

All information can be found on the Migration Agency´s homepages.

3. Studies

Useful links: » Study in Sweden – Live and learn the Swedish way and Universityadmissions.se - Apply to Swedish universities. Embassy's homepage contains information about the student residence permit.

Other useful links:

  1. University degree recognition
    Recognition of foreign qualifications - Swedish Council for Higher Education (uhr.se)

  2. Learn Swedish
    Swedish language courses - Folkuniversitetet

  3. Driving licence
    Driving licences - Transportstyrelsen

  4. EU citizens in Sweden
    Work, study or live in Sweden for EU/​EEA citi­zens - Swedish Migration Agency (migrationsverket.se)

  5. Health workers in Sweden
    Doctors educated outside EU/EEA - Sveriges läkarförbund (slf.se), Rapportens titel (socialstyrelsen.se)

  6. Apply for asylum
    Asylum regulations - Swedish Migration Agency (migrationsverket.se)

  7. LGBT
    If you are an LGBTQ person who is seeking asylum - Swedish Migration Agency (migrationsverket.se)
Last updated 25 Feb 2025, 3.38 PM