Ongoing projects: Environment and Climate Change
2.1 Phase 3 of the Environmental Accession Programme (ENVAP)
Support to Serbia’s continued preparation for EU negotiations in the environmental sector with a focus on developing Serbia’s negotiating position and coordination of stakeholders in the sector. The responsibility for environmental issues is divided between several ministries, making it very important to have a common and coordinated approach during negotiations. The programme will also include support to the implementation of communication activities and further development of the Serbian Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) delivery of environmental information needed for EU accession and negotiations.The development of new policy, action plans and basic documentation are
examples of what is being produced in preparation for the screening meetings and negotiations. There will be repeated gap analyses made throughout the project.
The agreed Swedish contribution amounts to 28 million SEK (approximately 3 million EUR). The current project agreement will proceed until 2020.
2.2 Phase 2 of the Environmental Infrastructure Support Programme (EISP)
The support through EISP facilitates Serbia’s development of an environmental project pipeline, which aims to develop project proposals in the sector to a stage where they are ready for financing through IPA or other funding. In the context of preparations for EU negotiations, Serbia needs to present a credible plan for how it will finance the costly implementation of chapter 27 (the environment). This includes capacity building of the Ministry’s department responsible for the Green Fund and policies for facilitating private sector participation in environmental infrastructure development. Furthermore, the programme integrates minority and gender issues in the sector.
The agreed Swedish contribution amounts to 27 million SEK (approximately 2.9 million EUR). The current project agreement will proceed until 2020.
2.3 Chemical risk management
The project builds on cooperation between the Swedish Chemicals Agency and its Serbian counterpart at the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection. The aim of the project is to minimise adverse effects of chemicals on human health and the environment to prepare Serbia for meeting the legislative requirements for EU accession. The overarching goal is to obtain sustainable development and chemical safety in Serbia. This is done through improving the national chemical registry, strengthening risk assessment of chemicals and biocides, supporting the implementation and development of legislation as well as developing expertise and training.
The agreed Swedish contribution amounts to 9 million SEK (approximately 1 million EUR). The current project agreement will proceed until 2020.
2.4 Duboko landfill
The aim of the project is to facilitate the introduction of sustainable waste management practices in Serbia that comply with EU standards. Therefore, the project has established the Duboko Regional Solid Waste Management Scheme as a replicable model for the rest of the country. This has included the construction of one landfill and eight local transfer stations, as well as the development of a Regional Waste Management Plan, a plan for closure of unsanitary landfill facilities and a public awareness campaign. The landfill in
Duboko was opened in October 2011.
The agreed Swedish contribution amounts to 23 million SEK (approximately 2.4 million EUR). The current project agreement will proceed until June 2018.
2.5 Implementation of the IPPC/IE Directive in animal farms
The general objective of the programme is to support Serbia’s continued work on the IPPC/IE Directives in the intensive rearing of pigs and poultry and to enhance the approximation of Serbia in line with EU standards on environment. The majority of IPPC installations at the local level refer to intensive rearing and food processing companies where pig and poultry farms present almost one third of the total number of IPPC installations. These two sectors have a significant impact on the environment, mainly from air pollution, waste water discharge and leakage to water bodies from poor manure storage. There is also a significant potential for improving the energy efficiency of the sectors. The project will improve the quality of the industry's permit applications and strengthen capacity of selected municipalities in assessing applications and writing permits as well as strengthen the Inspectorate's work with the sub-sector.
The agreed Swedish contribution amounted to 8.3 million SEK (approximately 1 million EUR). The project agreement proceeded until March 2017 and an extension of the project is currently under preparation.
2.6 Priority Environmental Infrastructure Development (PEID)
The PEID project will provide technical support and capacity development to the Department of Project Management (DPM), in the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection. The support will enable the Ministry to develop priority projects that will either make a strategic contribution or smaller projects to unlock available funding while the major projects are being finalised. The focus of the project is on waste, water and wastewater, which are all heavy investment environmental sub-sectors of Serbia’s road to EU accession.
The agreed Swedish contribution amounts to 22.5 million SEK (approximately 2.4 million EUR). The current project agreement will proceed until 2020.
2.7 Environmental Civil Society Programme for Serbia 2015-2018 (CSOnnect) (Regional Environmental Center)
(responsible Programme Officer Ms. Jasmina Zoric Petrovic)
The programme contributes to strengthen CSOs’ capacities to monitor and evaluate the implementation of policies, strategies and laws in the EU accession process. Regional Environmental center (REC) works actively to stimulate CSOs to become more proactive advocator/lobbyist for concrete policy changes in the environmental field and position themselves as an important actor in the governmental-civil sector dialogue. The programme aims to support environmental CSOs in Serbia and its capacity to lobby for policy change, participate in decision-making and represent a partner in the dialogue with the governmental sector.
The total budget of the programme amounts to 19 000 000 SEK. The Agreement remains valid until 30 April 2019.