Sweden & Mongolia

Introduction of a digital application for visitor’s residence permit

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Last updated 14 Feb 2024

The Embassy of Sweden in Beijing resumes responsibility for all migration cases for Mongolian citizens to Sweden

Бээжинд суугаа Шведийн Элчин Сайдын Яамнаас Монгол Улсын иргэд Швед рүү цагаачлах бүх хэргийг хариуцах болно

Read more Үргэлжлүүлэн унших
Last updated 13 Jan 2023

New rules for passport check Паспортын хяналтын шинэ дүрэм

Read more Үргэлжлүүлэн унших
Last updated 01 Nov 2022

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Suspected irregularities

Report to the MFA

If you suspect that a crime or irregularities have occurred in connection with Swedish Foreign Service activities, please report to MFA Head of Compliance.

Report to the MFA at government.se
To government.se


The website government.se is the official website of the Swedish Government and the Government Offices.

To government.se
GDPR Request

GDPR Request

Request for register extract, rectification, erasure or restriction of personal data in central systems.

GDPR Request