• English

Sweden & Jordan

Apply for a Visa

If you want to visit Sweden and you are a citizen of a country outside the EU, you may need to apply for a visa. The Embassy of Sweden in Amman is handling visa applications for citizens and persons legally residing in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq.

Applying for a visa via VFS Global in Amman

The Embassy cooperates with VFS Global Amman to improve the service available to those applying for a visa. This means that you apply for a visa and collect the decision at VFS Global in Amman.

Please visit their website for more information:

https://visa.vfsglobal.com/jor/en/swe/. You can contact them directly by phone:  06-4001004 (Please note, you must include 06 in the beginning of the number).

VFS Global will charge a service fee per application. 

Applications must be made in person at VFS Global. You don’t need to visit the Embassy at all.