Travel to United States

Voting in Swedish and EU-Elections in the US

Swedes residing abroad and other eligible voters can vote in Swedish elections either by mail or in person at embassies and consulates. This applies to both those living abroad on a permanent basis and those who are abroad temporarily.

Please keep in mind that you cannot vote on Election Day while abroad. Only early voting (förtidsröstning) is possible outside of Sweden. 

The Electoral Register

Swedes residing abroad (utlandssvenskar) and other eligible voters remain in the Electoral Register (röstlängden) for ten years after their emigration is recorded in the Tax Agency’s population register (folkbokföringen).

After ten years, a notification form (“Ny adress/röstlängd för utvandrad”)  must be submitted to the Tax Agency to remain in the Electoral Register for an additional ten years. The form must be received by the Tax Agency no later than 30 days prior to Election Day.

Even if a notification is not made 30 days prior to Election Day, Swedish voters abroad may still vote in the election – by mail or in person. A vote from abroad counts as long as it is received by the Election Authority no later than the day before Election Day. Voting in an election is considered a request to remain in the electoral register for the following ten years.

> Read more on the Election Authority’s website

Do I need a voting card to vote? - No, you can vote without a voting card, both by mail and in person.

I'm not sure I'm in the Electoral Register (röstlängden), can I still vote? - Yes you can - as long as you meet the eligibility requirements above. And your vote counts as a reregistration for another 10 years.

More information about elections can be found on the Election Authority’s website.