Travel to United States

Book Appointment for Coordination Number in New York

You always need to make an appointment to apply for a coordination number at the Consulate General in New York. After our move to new offices in October 2016 we can unfortunately no longer offer drop-in service. The building regulations require that all visitors have appointments. You book your appointment online using the link below.


The booking system will offer two options in a drop-down menu:
1) apply for a passport/ID card
2) visit us during reception visiting hours
→Choose option 2 - "visit during reception visiting hours"!

> The booking system will ask how many people you are making an appointment for - please always answer "1 person". Use an adult's name when booking the appointment. Provide a phone number in the following format: +19175550000, no spaces or hyphens.

> Book appointment here to visit us during reception visiting hours

You may not apply for/renew a passport during an appointment made to ”visit us during reception visiting hours”.

Last updated 27 Feb 2018, 2.22 PM