1: How do I apply for a passport/ID-card?
To apply for a passport or national ID-card at the Embassy of Sweden in Budapest you need to schedule an appointment in advance. Please contact us on e-mail: ambassaden.budapest-pass@gov.se
The following documents in original are needed when applying for a passport/ID-card for adults:
- Valid passport
- The form "Information for verification of Swedish citizenship"
- Slovenian ID-card or registration certificate if you have moved to Slovenia before 2001
- A birth certificate if you are born outside of Sweden and have never been registered in Sweden
- In some cases, you also need a certificate that you have retained Swedish citizenship, or a citizenship declaration from the Swedish Migration Agency
- In some cases, the embassy may require additional documents to establish citizenship
The following documents in original are needed when applying for a passport/ID-card for children:
Last updated 10 Jun 2024, 2.23 PM