Travel to Ireland

Coordination Number & Registration of Newborn in Ireland

The Embassy in Dublin only accepts name registration and coordination number applications if the intention is to apply for an emergency passport for the child. If the guardians only wish to register the child's name, the form should be sent directly to the population register in Sollefteå. Please note that if you are in Sweden, you can instead book an appointment with the Swedish Police to apply for a coordination number. Contact the Police for information on the required documents.

Application for Newborns Abroad or Children Under 18

Newborns must obtain a coordination number before it is possible to apply for an emergency passport. A coordination number is an identification number for individuals who are not or have not been registered in Sweden. If the legal guardians of a newborn have not registered the name, this is done simultaneously.

The application for a coordination number is free of charge and can be made at the Swedish Embassy in Dublin. The child must be accompanied by at least one guardian during the Embassy's visiting hours, see here. If only one guardian visits the Embassy for the application, they must bring a certified copy or the original of the other guardian's national ID card or passport.

If the legal guardians only wish to register the child's name and not apply for an emergency passport, the form should be sent by the guardians directly to the Swedish Tax Agency along with the documents specified at the bottom right on the form "SKV 7750", which is to be signed by both guardians. Please note that the form is only in Swedish. These documents must be certified by any authority.


Skatteverket Folkbokföringen
Box 298
881 36 Sollefteå

Please note that if the child is born in Denmark, Finland, or Norway, you should not apply for a name. The Swedish Tax Agency will register the name based on the child's birth certificate.

Forms to Fill Out and Bring to the Embassy:

1. Name Registration (Namnanmälan) SKV 7750

Download the form from the Swedish Tax Agency's website here. If the name registration has not already been done, you can do it in conjunction with the application for a coordination number or directly to the Swedish Tax Agency, see the section above.

Children over 12 years old must sign the name registration together with their parents. Individuals over 18 years old fill in and sign the name registration themselves.

2. Information for Verfication of Swedish Citizenship

Download the form here. An example of how to fill in the form is available here.

3. Signed Letter

A letter showing that the applicant has read the information. Download the letter here (available in Swedish).

Please note that you must fill in the forms before visiting the Embassy.

Documents to Bring with you in Original to the Embassy:

  • Birth certificate showing information about both parents
  • Mother and Baby Discharge Summary from the hospital. (Pregnancy certificate from the hospital where the birth took place can be ordered from the hospital if missing).
  • Both parents' passports or another valid ID. Swedish parents must present a valid Swedish passport or national ID card.
  • Marriage certificate if the parents are married.

Processing Time 

The Swedish Tax Agency handles the application, and the processing time is approximately 10-12 weeks. The decision is communicated by the Swedish Tax Agency.

Once the coordination number has been granted, you can apply for an emergency passport at the Embassy in Dublin.

Coordination Number (Swedish Tax Agency's website)

Please note that a coordination number that is not used can be registered as inactive. This happens automatically after 5 years. Read more on the Swedish Tax Agency's website.