Travel to Canada

Coordination Number

Swedish citizens who never had a Swedish passport, ID-card, or has never been registered in Sweden, must be issued a coordination number before it is possible to apply for a Swedish passport or national ID-card. This also applies to children born to Swedish citizens.

The embassy will examine if the requirements for Swedish citizenship are fulfilled and handle the requisition of coordination number.

The Embassy in Ottawa will only requisition a coordination number for someone who intends to apply for passport or national ID-card at the embassy.

If you intend to apply for a new passport or national ID-card in Sweden, it is the Swedish Police Authority that is responsible for requisition of coordination number.

Process and handling

Name registration and documentation that prove the Swedish citizenship is submitted to the embassy or the nearest consulate. The documents must be submitted in person. At least one of the legal guardians must accompany the applicant if the applicant is underage.

There is no fee for the process except for a courier fee when the documents are submitted at a consulate. 

The following documents are required, original documents or notarized copies, at the time of application:

  • Name registration form (in Swedish only) signed by both legal guardians and by the applicant, if she or he/she is 12 or older. 
  • Birth certificate, stating the names of both parents.
  • Statement of Live Birth, Certified Copy of Birth Registration, or birth journal that show who gave birth to the child.
  • Swedish passport for the Swedish parent and a valid photo ID with a signature for the foreign parent
  • Parent's marriage certificate, if only the father is a Swedish citizen and the child was born before April 1, 2015. A child born after April 1, 2015, automatically becomes a Swedish citizen if one of the parents is a Swedish citizen.
  • Swedish citizenship certificate for a child born before April 1, 2015, to a Swedish father who is not married to the foreign mother.
  • If one of the parents have sole custody, a legal document showing this.

For the Swedish parent or legal guardian, one of the following documents:

  • eTA
  • Canadian residence permit
  • Canadian permanent residence card
  • Canadian citizenship certificate (not the citizenship card) issued after July 2001.
  • Proof of Swedish citizenship if you have regained your Swedish citizenship after July 1st 2001 or a decision confirming retention of Swedish citizenship for people over 22 years of age, born outside of Sweden to a Swedish parent.

The embassy may request additional documents when needed. The processing time is approximately 1-2 months if the application is complete.

It is the applicant's responsibility to prove his/her Swedish citizenship and to acquire all the requested documents. 

If you only wish to register your child's name you can submit an application to the Swedish Tax Agency. To do so please fill out the form SKV 7750 that can be found in the link below and submit it to the Swedish Tax agency. Instructions are found on the form and you can read more about this at the website of the Swedish Tax Agency.