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السفارة السويديةAmman, Jordan

مرحبا بكم في سفارة السويد في عمان، الأردن

التوقيت الحالي 04:52 ص

Where to apply

Updated warning: Avoid people selling services for family reunification

The Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs has been informed that there might be individuals falsely representing the Swedish Migration Agency or the Embassy in certain countries. These individuals are claiming that it is possible e.g. through payment, to obtain an earlier appointment for an interview at the Embassy or that the applicants needs to pay an additional fee for booking an interview at a specific Embassy - sometimes even using official letterheads and pretending to be officials. Please note that the Swedish Embassies and Consulates General have nothing to do with any individuals who offer services for payment. All appointments for interviews for family reunification are made through the Embassies and are free of charge.  Please see Swedish Migration Agency webpage for more information.

Please contact the Embassy if you have any information that people are falsely representing Swedish authorities or if you suspect that somebody is trying to sell you services for additional charges (

- If you have a Jordanian or other citizenship and reside legally in Jordan, you apply for a visa through VFS Global. You can find more information about how to apply for a visa here.

- To apply for or a residence permit to move to a close relative in Sweden, the quickest and easiest way to apply is through the Swedish Migration Agency's website.

- To apply for a work permit, the quickest and easiest way to apply is through the Swedish Migration Agency's website.

- To apply for a residence permit to study in Sweden, the quickest and easiest way to apply is through the Swedish Migration Agency's website. 

- If you have an Iraqi citizenship and wish to apply for a visa or a residence and work permit you should contact the Swedish Embassy in Amman or Teheran regardless of country of legal residence.

- If you have Syrian citizenship and you want to apply for a residence and work permit you should contact the Swedish Embassy in Amman, Abu Dhabi, Cairo, Khartoum, Riyadh or the Consulate General in Istanbul. If you want to apply for a Schengenvisa then you should contact VFS in Beirut.



Senast uppdaterad 14 Jul 2020, 11.22 ص