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السفارة السويديةAmman, Jordan

مرحبا بكم في سفارة السويد في عمان، الأردن

التوقيت الحالي 08:29 م

Towards a cleaner Jordan

16 جمادى الثانية 1441

Jordan can be cleaner, healthier and even more attractive. Ending littering was the goal when Johanna Ragnartz and Joakim Brodahl from Håll Sverige Rent visited Amman and Madaba in early February. They shared Swedish experience and gave tips to the Jordanian campaign Himmeh w Lammeh when a pilot project was launched as the start of a national campaign for a clean Jordan.

A seminar in the Swedish residence gathered around fifty representatives from the authorities, municipalities, schools, the tourism sector, the United Nations and civil society. Ambassador Erik Ullenhag led the discussions on challenges and risks, incentives and regulations. The conference room was full of energy and the willingness to cooperate was evident.

Himmeh w Lammeh is an independent initiative that brings together various actors to remove the debris from Jordan's beautiful scenery and cities. The campaign includes the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN) and the Jordan Inbound Tour Operators Association (JITOA). Keep Sweden Clean is a nonprofit foundation that works with knowledge production, opinion formation and concrete tools to prevent and counteract littering.

Senast uppdaterad 10 Feb 2020, 03.11 م